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Правда диковиннее вЫмысла. Нарочно не придумаешь. Никто не знает, что его ожидает.

Truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is infinitely greater ; for the finest fiction саn never bе more than аn interpretation or а reflection of something real, апd the fact must always Ье more vital than its image. (Kersh)

After this war is over, the tales we shall have to tell will make strange listening. Nothing that art саn invent is so wildly improbable as what happens in real life. Art апd fiction are оnlу imitation. Life is truth, and stranger than either of them. (Maclnnes)

Why, my dear Jonathan, it's quite marvellous. Devastatingly Edwardian. Gloriously county. Another instance of truth being much more theatrical than fiction, апd а warning to all dramatists to avoid it. (Marsh)